понедельник, 25 мая 2020 г.

Have you ever admired the Matrix?

It seems that the dystopian Superboy of the Wachowski brothers has always existed, but in fact it only marks its 15th anniversary. It's rare to hear the phrase "ahead of time" now, but back then, just before the Millennium, I wanted to say it about the Matrix. Now the theme of the confrontation of humanity with intelligent machines is thoroughly worn out, even somehow it is not believed that artificial intelligence has not yet been invented. Time puts everything in place, and now it becomes obvious that until now there was only one film that could compete with the" Matrix "in the epic war of the dying human individual with his own children — "Terminator 2". I, like many others, hold the opinion that Wachowski's cyberpunk should not have been squeezed out of the trilogy, but it is in contrast with the sequels that the artistic value of the original film, which began this biblical-fantastic story, is clearly visible. 
I watch all the movies for free on this new site - https://www.123moviess.gdn

"You've felt all your life that the world is not right»

It is unlikely that our world is in great order now. But the term "Chosen", not too popular in the cinema before, is largely associated now with a tall young man in a black cloak. Unlike his colleagues on the set, Keanu Reeves was a world-class star before the Matrix. I am convinced that this movie is not the best for him personally. Could the Chosen one be perceived in any other way than Reeves embodied it? Of course he could, but Neo's face was supposed to be open. The value of his character is precisely in the spiritual development that yesterday's programmer Thomas Anderson experienced. The scene of his visit to the soothsayer is very significant. The news of impending death becomes an unbearable burden for the future Messiah's still weak shoulders. This situation is not easy, when a lot is expected of you, and you feel like the weakest link in the chain. Team Morpheus very differently perceives Neo, not everyone wants to entrust their fate in the hands of a complete stranger. The Holy faith of Morpheus is the main weapon of the few rebels in the unequal fight against the machines.

"Hero Morpheus ... Finally got together!»

With all due respect to Reeves, he didn't shock the world community with his game. Who knew about Lawrence Fishbourne before the Matrix? Who is he? The first black Othello in a theatrical production, the orderly in one of the episodes about Freddy Krueger. Now it is forever merged with Morpheus-the banner of a desperate human campaign. The shaven-headed captain of the Nebuchadnezzar is the most charismatic hero of this epic, whose influential manner of conversation attracts attention and is completely out of harmony with the role that he assigns to himself. Christ had no mentor, and Neo needed one. Too much doubt and even more fear, not even for the main task, but for agent Smith's impassive face. Unlike Fishbourne, Hugo weaving was not stuck in a single role, but he was the main tool of a soulless system that suppressed any resistance. Smith is just an Autonomous module, essentially a robot, but he's not just a performer. He is the ideologue of a new civilization that seeks to erase the old one from the face of the Earth. It has its own philosophy and it is very misanthropic. On Neo Smith reacts quite not as machine, in it manifests itself quite plebeian rage to the man who dared not fear the all-powerful program. This is the main weakness of Smith: he hates all people, but at a critical moment copies their behavior model.

"So, what do you need besides a miracle?»

Ideas in the virtual world created by the Wachowski brothers and many years later are fascinating. How easy it would be for people to get into the city with everything they needed, or to master the most complex skills in a matter of minutes. "Matrix" can partly be considered an action movie with martial arts. It's not just about Neo and Morpheus sparring. The ability to defeat the steel oppressors with their own fists and feet is much more interesting than using different-caliber machine guns. The theme of evolution is also reflected in this. At first, neo believes only in his weapons, and only then, partly forced, does he realize that His true power comes from within. Agents do not know emotions, otherwise they would understand that the usual means will not work against the Chosen one. Heroes-liberators do not deny themselves a healthy coolness: all these raincoats, dark glasses. But Morpheus himself is much better with an open eye. You can not hear his words, his eyes will tell you everything you need. How nice it is for each of us to feel right!

"First you need to understand the main thing: there is no spoon»

The matrix owes its success in no small part to its aesthetic component. Yes, as it turned out, the "stop-motion" effect was invented earlier, but is it important? An incredibly spectacular shootout in an office skyscraper is just as important as the story's mythology. Heroes will not be able to save the world by preaching alone, in this war, any object, even an ordinary spoon, can be useful. Directors teach us to be open to the knowledge that can be expected around every corner. There is no hint of arrogance on Neo's face, nor is there any blind obsession. Confucius said, " spiritual enlightenment will find you, just be ready for it." This readiness came to the Chosen one not immediately, it was necessary to master the magic of symbols as well. And the result is on the faces of agents whose programs are suddenly found to be flawed.

"I'm tired baby…»

Do not ignore the secondary, but at the same time, very important for understanding the essence of the film character. Cypher can be reproached with the very last words, and betrayal is never forgiven anywhere. All this is true, but there is one "but". The hero Joe Pantoliano crossed the line when he condemned his comrades to death, but his desire to forget and live in ignorance is understandable. We often, in fact, live in a world of dreams, in particular considering loved ones not who they are, but there are different ways to maintain faith, and disappointed in the new ideals of Cypher can be understood. But it is not easy to accept the romantic line of this film. The choice of an actress for the role of Trinity is the main failure of the Directors. I don't want to stigmatize Kerry Ann-moss, but against the backdrop of handsome Neo, she looks just an old woman with a completely unfeminine gait. Therefore, the fervor of Cypher's love is hard to believe.

"Welcome to the real world!»

Everyone has the right to choose. There will always be a moment in life when he will either be small-minded and leave everything as it is, or take a risk and try to reach a new level. Morpheus ' palms with the two pills symbolize the fork in life for any seeker. It is up to everyone to decide whether to soak up Cypher's ideology, live and enjoy it. Or, like Neo, not to be afraid of the dark door behind which the unknown lurks. It is important to be consistent, to go to the end and fate will definitely reward the person according to his merits.

Not just an action movie, not just a dystopia, not even cyberpunk. Cinema is an ideology where unreal fiction is wonderfully intertwined with the New Testament. I don't think there will ever be another such picture.

Free flight!

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